Friday, August 3, 2012

Communication is the Mechanism of …Everything and 6 ways you can make yours better

“If I went back to college again, I’d concentrate on two areas: learning to write and to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.” Gerald Ford

“Communication is the real work of leadership.”  Nitin Nohria 

“The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives” Anthony Robbins 

“One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears – by listening to them” Dean Rusk

Want to be a good Leader, Marketer, Spouse, Parent, etc.? The key to being good in any interactive role is good communication.

·         Motivate/Inspire
·         Ability to Deal with Conflict/Resistance
·         Coach/Develop
Key Components:
Shared values

Key Component:

Key Component:

While the objectives and key components of these examples vary, much of the methodology does not, given overall effectiveness is always a result of effective communication.
Pundits agree that if you want to be a good communicator then you need to be a good Story Teller. There are a lot of books on the subject but one I like is “Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins” by Annette Simmons. She defines Story Telling as a reimagined experience, narrated with enough detail and feeling to cause your listeners imaginations to experience it as real. It fosters the ever important curiosity, and trust.
Another interesting source of information is a TED talk done by Nancy Duarte: It’s about  the Secret Structure of Great Talks where she noted the following:
The great orators contrast what is with what could be; flipping back and forth between the two. What “could be” is portrayed as a “New Bliss” where the orator marvels at how wonderful the New Bliss will be. Literally modelling for the audience what the speaker wants them to feel. Repetition is often used to drive points home and help the audience to remember. Metaphors are used to poignantly illustrate points. And the orator leverages his audience’s experiences and agendas in a way that will have his ideas resonate with them.
Nancy Duarte demonstrates how Martin Luther King and Steve Jobs both followed this formula to obvious great effect.
In summary, here are 6 techniques we can all use to be better communicators:
1.       Tell a story. Paint a compelling picture with words.
2.       Use Metaphors to compellingly illustrate points.
3.       Contrast the current lacking state with a “New Bliss” desired future.
4.       Marvel at the New Bliss. Model the desired audience reaction.
5.       Some repetition can reinforce ideas.
6.       Use the audience’s language, concerns, frustration, needs, agendas and wants so your agenda – the New Bliss, will resonate with them.


  1. Thank you for all the info! I am trying to find a restaurant in Oshawa or maybe a couple that I can go to and work and talking to just random strangers to boost my confidence. Thanks for all the info!

  2. Great post! I've been trying to locate the best restaurant in Oshawa. Do you have any suggestions?
